Unhappiness in a workplace will maintain its hold unless one begins to see things differently.

Self-centered sight must yield to selflessness, leading with love, the urge to serve and the urge to see the best in everyone. If one person does this, others around will wonder why they feel different. If many begin to do it, then a threshold is crossed and the unhappiness at work will crumble.

Here are some ways you can do this:

  1. Serve others around you and help them when you can even when it’s not your job.


  2. Clean up or pick up a mess in someone else’s area, do not mention it or rub it in there face you did it. Do not expect others to do the same back, do these acts selflessly. This is called a good for nothing, doing good with nothing expected in return.


  3. Bring in drinks or snacks like cupcakes for your direct team members. You can do them for a big accomplishment or just because you want to be kind.


  4. Ask how others are doing personally, but do not be nosey if they do not want to talk. But try and be genuinely interested in their life if they will engage with you.


  5. Build relationships through selfless acts of service. This is a tough one for most but going into every situation with an attitude of “how I can be helpful or useful to this person”, is a guaranteed way to get people to enjoy your company. Having the opposite attitude of what can I get from this person is very obvious that you’re selfish and it a cancerous attitude that effects everyone around you. I call this the “Bad Apple” that spoils the apples around you.


  6. Share your personal life with others and let them know you’re human. We all have issues, problems, and struggles past & present. It’s a great way to connect with others by being vulnerable and sharing your story. But be careful not to share to much with individuals who may gossip or have proven not to be a nonjudgmental friend, you could be setting yourself up for hurt. Its still important to engage with those individuals, but on a more surface level.